Posts filed under Holiday

Back home

Yesterday we got back from Africa. The trip was great, but kinda different, because of the things we ran into (literally at one time). Anyway, we made about 3000 digital photos, and shot about 5 hours of film. Here are some samples:

Cheeta having dinner Lion cub posing

Hippo More cubs

Ngorongoro Crater Panoramic view Zanzibar Panoramic View

It's time to wrestle through the thousands of pictures and upload them to Flickr. More on our Africa adventures in about a week (or so).
Posted on November 5, 2006 and filed under Holiday, Personal.

Holiday preparations

Just a couple more hours, and we're off. Off to Africa for a well deserved vacation. This time for something completely different (NOT). We'll be going on safari in Kenya (been there, done that :)), and Tanzania (been there, and done that too :)). After that we'll be resting our asses off in Zanzibar on the beach for a couple of days. When we get back, I'll post the photo's (and a summary of our adventures) here, and on my Flickr page. So stay tuned. Hakuna Matata
Posted on October 18, 2006 and filed under Holiday, Personal.

Weekend Dubai

Just got back from a deserved (ultra short) vacation from Dubai (United Arabic Emirates). Damn, it was hot. At night the temperature got as low as 35 degrees celsius(!!!!). I didn't want to know what the temperatures were during the day. Thank god for airconditioning. Four days of sun, and bloody good food. Dubai itself isn't that attractive, because most of the city is still under construction. Everywhere you look are construction sites, and every building company wants to deliver a bigger and more beautiful building. That results in a massive amount of 50+ floor buildings. Mind you that Dubai isn't the cheapest place to stay. I was gratefull for the "sponsering" we received. It's definitely a place for the rich and famous (which I'm not). It is, however, a good place (for our mortals) to make some good money in a relatively small period, since you don't pay taxes over there :), and they do need lots of hands to build the city.
Posted on September 26, 2006 and filed under Holiday, Personal.