Uninstall SafeSign on OSX

While the installation of the SafeSign software is relatively easy, the removal of the software is a bit harder. The installation package lacks an automated removal feature. So removing the driver/application must be done by hand.

The removal of the software (both the SafeSign as well as the TokenLounge software) can be reconstructed by analyzing the original packages/installation scripts.

WARNING: Before you continue, you need to realize that this uninstall procedure is without ANY warranties. So make a backup BEFORE proceding.

The following files are added by the SafeSign software and can be removed:

NOTE: you may need to use the sudo command to actually remove the files.



/usr/local/lib/libaetjcss.3.0.dylib -> libaetjcss.3.0.1737.dylib
/usr/local/lib/libaetjcss.3.dylib -> libaetjcss.3.0.1737.dylib
/usr/local/lib/libaetjcss.dylib -> libaetjcss.3.0.1737.dylib
/usr/local/lib/libaetpkss.3.0.dylib -> libaetpkss.3.0.1737.dylib
/usr/local/lib/libaetpkss.3.dylib -> libaetpkss.3.0.1737.dylib
/usr/local/lib/libaetpkss.dylib -> libaetpkss.3.0.1737.dylib
## Items with '->' are symbolic links.



The following files are added by the TokenLounge software and can be removed:




/Library/Application Support/TokenLounge/AETLogo.tif

NOTE: the TokenLounge software also 'replaces' the Apple Logo on the login screen with the AET Europe logo. In the postinstall script the original logo gets renamed to _applelogo.tif

Postinstall script


echo '*** Remove token cache ...'
rm -rf /var/db/TokenCache/tokens/com.aet.tokend.safesign*
echo '*** Install tokend ...'
mkdir -p /var/tokend
chown tokend /var/tokend
chmod 0700 /var/tokend
echo '*** Install loginwindow icon ...'
cd /System/Library/CoreServices/SecurityAgentPlugins/loginwindow.bundle/Contents/Resources/
test -f _applelogo.tif || mv applelogo.tif _applelogo.tif
ln -sf /Library/Application\ Support/TokenLounge/AETLogo.tif applelogo.tif

cd /System/Library/CoreServices/SecurityAgent.app/Contents/Resources/
test -f _applelogo.tif || mv applelogo.tif _applelogo.tif
ln -sf /Library/Application\ Support/TokenLounge/AETLogo.tif applelogo.tif

exit 0

The location of this file is:


Just rename this file:

cd /System/Library/CoreServices/SecurityAgent.app/Contents/Resources/applelogo.tif
cp /System/Library/CoreServices/SecurityAgentPlugins/loginwindow.bundle/Contents/Resources/applelogo.tif .

Any additions on the files removal are more than welcome.

Posted on December 11, 2008 and filed under Apple, Security, Software, Tips'n Tricks.