Keepass Password Generator

With the increasing password complexity demands in both online and offline services, you basically can’t live without a password manager. Personally I use 1Password, but at work Keepass is recommended. Main reason is that it remains local (no passwords in the cloud). Downside is that you need to have a proper backup in case of emergencies (or rely on decent password reset mechanisms.

Since a generic password scheme is obvious highly overrated, you basicalle need a different password scheme for every website, application or service. The worst being password schemes that limit the amount of characters to between 6 and 10…. Seriously? Others limit the amount of special characters like @\/’”| because of some fear of SQL injection schemes. Which is not a problem if you implement the backend correctly…. But that’s for another day.

Due to all these password challenges I had to reconfigure my Keepass (default) password generator to be a bit more friendly. For those bad password scheme website I have specific generation algoritms, and in a few cases the demands on the password are so ridiculous that I had to make a generator just for that service.

Anyway, the latest ‘challenge’ was that a service demanded a letter at the start and finish of the password, so that resulted in the following pattern:



This results in a password:

  • Starting with a mixed-case letter (L), followed by a 22 character mix of at least

  • 2 upper-case (uu) letters (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ),

  • 2 lower-case (ll) letters (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz),

  • 2 digits (dd) (1234567890),

  • 2 printable special characters (ss) ( !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ ),

  • and finishing with another mixed case letter (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)

Note that the previous default password length was 22 character, so increasing it with 2 additional letters to 24, the password became a bit stronger. Otherwise the password would have weakened substantially, because the first and last character was one out of 52.

This results in the following preview:

When you need to communicate passwords, or manual type them (on another device) it might be helpful to exclude certain characters that (depending on the font) look alike (e.g. 1Il|, O0). This can be accomplished in the ‘Advanced’ tab of the password generator.

Note that excluding these characters reduce the complexity of the password (which can be corrected up to some extend by increasing the password length).

And in those weird cases where certain character are not allowed you can use the ‘exclude characters’ option in the screenshot above (make sure you increase the password length accordingly to maintain password security).

Posted on June 8, 2020 and filed under Security, Tips'n Tricks.