Dream Lens

Photo lenses come is different formats, shapes, specs, and prices. Higher prices means (on average) better lenses. And with better I mean better for special purposes. A US$6000.00 lens must have some special specs to make up for that huge price. These lenses are mostly primes b.t.w..

On average lenses start at 10mm and the mainstream ones go 500mm. Aperture goes somewhere between f/1.4 and f/6 (lower means more light). What if there was a 10-800mm f/1.8 VR/OS USM/HSM lens with the optical specs of a 800mm prime. I wonder; what would that cost, weight, and be the size of that monster.... I guess that it might be technically possible. I do doubt if it's financially feasible..... :)
Posted on October 2, 2007 and filed under Personal, Photography.