Career Change??

We had a presentation of a local photo journalist this evening on our camera club. It was to hear what his job was about. But after hearing his story, and seeing some of his portfolio I decided to stick with my current career. I'm just not that type of a photographer. I like shooting what ever I want, and not what someone else wants. I guess I would be a terrible wedding photographer :).

Thankfully not everyone likes the same thing, otherwise it would be a boring (grey) world.

During the break I had a little conversation about the photos taken by the National Geographic photographers (which is also a form of photo journalisme). That it might be nice to do those kind of photo shoots.
But if you've seen the National Geographics  'The Photographers' DVD you might change your mind on that as well :). It's not as romantic as you might think.

Posted on March 17, 2009 and filed under Personal, Photography.